SMILE is composed by an interdisciplinary team of 6 Ph.D. researchers and 5 junior researchers with expertise both on Informatics and on Pedagogies, Didactics and Educational Sciences. Complementary expertise include Psychology; Marketing, Management and Economics. Furthermore, SMILE closely collaborates with other experts and labs.
This diverse range of expertise enables the holistic analysis of educational issues from various perspectives. This interdisciplinarity enables synergies and collaborations across various knowledge fields and technologies. SMILE carries out interdisciplinary research applied to the real world educational, employability, entrepreneurship and social problems of the public and private sectors aiming at wellbeing, personal, business and society growth.
This transdisciplinary team takes over roles along the whole project lifecycle including initial investigations, market analysis, project planning, requirements analysis, concept design, system development, implementation, validation, evaluation as well as dissemination, communication and exploitation of results.