
SMILE applies the following expertise to tackle contemporary educational challenges:

  • Interactive Mobile Learning & Assessment.
  • Wearables and Smart Learning in Internet of Things (IoT).
  • Learning Analytics, Educational Data Mining, Recommendations and Personalized Feedback (Visualizations, Cognitive, Affective, Motivational).
  • Computer Assisted Language Learning.
  • Collaborative Learning, Social Media Learning, Peer-to-Peer Learning, Communities of Practice.
  • Quality, Learner Modeling & Behavior, Learner Evaluation and Acceptance (Usability, Satisfaction, Enjoyment etc.) of Mobile Learning Applications, Systems and Environments, Human Computer Interaction.
  • Learning & Instructional Design, Interventions, Pedagogies.
  • Inquiry-based Learning, Problem-based Learning, Project-based Learning, Flipped Learning, Blended Learning.
  • Work-based, Vocational, Experiential, Informal, Non-formal, Lifelong, and Continuing Learning.
  • Economics of E-Learning, Business Models, Cost-Benefit Analysis, Social and Economic Impact of Mobile Learning.
  • Educational Psychology, Motivations and Self-Regulation.
  • Open Educational Resources and Practices (OERs/OEPs), Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs).
  • Creativity, Innovativeness, and Entrepreneurship.
  • Digital Competences and 21st Century Skills.
  • Gamification, Game-based Learning, Serious Games and Business Games Simulations.
  • E-Commerce, E-Tourism, E-Culture, E-Government.
  • Blended Vocational Training on Business Information Systems, E-Commerce, Foreign Languages, Informatics, Computer Networks, STEM.