Research & Development

The goals...

SMILE endeavors for the realization of a learner-centered open educational system. The learner will learn with the help of the teacher, his/her peers and a Personalized Mobile Learning (PML) system. The teacher and the PML system will act as facilitators and coachers as they will support and guide the learner during his/her learning exploration.

The context...

In anytime anywhere mobile learning, a learner should be able to efficiently perform an educational activity possibly cooperating and/or collaborating with others using multiple devices and networks as s/he moves in an environment. An adaptation engine of the PML system senses the context, i.e. the states of the learner, the educational activity, the infrastructure and the environment, and produces adapted educational activity and infrastructure, accordingly.

The focus...

Our research and development is focused on: i) measuring and identifying the context, and ii) based on this estimated context, providing appropriate personalized recommendations and feedback (visualizations, cognitive, affective, motivational) to the learner .