Dr. Benjamin Karatzoglou - Short CV

Benjamin Karatzoglou (PhD, MBA) has been a member of the Special Scientific Teaching Staff of the Department of Economics, Un.of Macedonia, since 1993. His tasks entail delivery of theoretical lectures, seminars, and applied (laboratory) training on Accounting topics, Feasibility studies, and Investment Law applications.

He holds a PhD from the Department of Environmental Policy and Management, University of the Aegean, (2006), a Post-graduate Certificate in Distance-Learning, Greek Open University, (2001), a Master in Business Administration, University of Macedonia, (1997), a Bachelor in Business Administration, Graduate Industrial School of Thessaloniki, (1987), and a Bachelor in Petroleum Chemical Engineering, Institution of Technical Education, Kavala (1981).

He has delivered lectures as a visiting faculty with various Institutions such as the International Hellenic University (6 years), the Open University of Greece (7 years), and the City College, International Department of the Un. of Sheffield, UK (20 years).

His research interests involve the study of the financial, accounting and managerial impacts of sustainability, climate change, and GHG emissions, with a focus in the areas of tourism and education.

His research has been presented in 25 international conferences in various countries, has been published in Greek and international journals and has received over 160 citations.

Benjamin has worked for ten years at the National bank of Greece, is an accredited State analyst, an EU Expert in the area of Sustainable Tourism, and an ad-hoc reviewer with several scientific journals. He has coordinated, or participated as a researcher in many EU funded research projects such as EMAS-LIFE, INTERREG III, VCSE, 3-Lensus and others and has conducted studies for institutions such as the Bank of Greece, the Ministry of Development, and private entities.

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