Dr Triantafyllou Evangelos - Short CV
Dr.Triantafyllou Evangelos is a teacher in Computing at Technical High School.
He received the BSc in Mathematics (1989) from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. He received the Msc in Computer Science (1990) from the University of East Anglia and the Ph.D. degree (2003) in Educational Technology from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.
He teaches from 1994 courses on Computer science (High School), and from 2003 on Educational Technology and Information Systems Applications (postgraduate and undergraduate).
He has participated in several research projects with the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, the University of Macedonia and the University of Thessaly. He is an active member of committees and clubs and has participated in Leonardo Da Vinci, Comenius, Erasmus+ and Environmental Education programs.
He has written the book "Director MX - From theory to practice", published by TZIOLA and participated in the book "MULTIMEDIA TECHNOLOGY" by S.Dimitriadis, A.Pomportsis, E.Triantafyllou and in the book “e- Economy, Commerce, Marketing, Government” by A.Oikonomides, E.Georgiadou, E.Triantafyllou, TZIOLA publications. He also has many articles in international magazines, a s well as in international and Greek conferences.