Dr Stavros Nikou - Short CV
Stavros Nikou is a Physics and Informatics teacher in secondary education. He holds a B.Sc. in Physics from Aristotle University and a M.Sc. in Computer Science from University of Houston, USA. He recently received his Ph.D. from the Interdepartmental Programme of Postgraduate Studies in Information Systems, University of Macedonia, and he is a junior researcher at SMILE (Smart and Mobile Interactive Learning Environments) Lab.
His research interests include technology-enhanced learning with emphasis on mobile learning and assessment. He examines how mobile technologies and devices can support and enhance student learning and motivation and also investigates the factors that affect the adoption of mobile learning and assessment.
He has published peer-reviewed papers in Scientific Journals, in Proceedings of International Conferences, as well as Book Chapters.
He has many years of experience in educational resources and curriculum design and development, K-12 STEM and ICT education, vocational and lifelong education and training and mentoring pre-service and in-service teachers in ICT and technology-enhanced learning. He is also Scientix Ambassador (The community for science education in Europe) for the European Schoolnet.