Dr Zacharoula Papamitsiou
Dr Zacharoula Papamitsiou (F) is a Computer Science and Informatics teacher in secondary education (since 2003). She holds a B.Sc. in Computer Science from the University of Crete (2001) and she received her M.Sc. in Information and Communication Technologies on Education from the Department of Computer Science at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (2011). Currently she is a Ph.D. candidate in the Interdepartmental Programme of Postgraduate Studies in Information Systems at the University of Macedonia, and a junior researcher at SMILE (Smart and Mobile Interactive Learning Environments) Lab.
Her domain of expertise is on Learning and Assessment Analytics with a focus on adaptation and personalization of feedback and assessment services. More precisely, her research interests include educational data mining, stream mining and machine learning for learner modelling, adaptive testing and measurement for personalization of educational assessment services, and recommender systems for adaptive feedback and decision support.
She has published peer-reviewed papers in Scientific Journals, in Proceedings of International Conferences, as well as Book Chapters.
Zacharoula has been awarded with the Martin Wolpers Award for the research project of the most promising young researcher, as well as with a Scholarship to participate in the Joint European Summer School on Technology Enhanced Learning (JTELSS), and has been selected to visit the Data and Web Science (DWS) research group - University of Mannheim, under Bilateral Educational Programme (for year 2015).
She is also a member of the IEEE Computer Society, Society for Learning Analytics Research (SoLAR), and the International Educational Data Mining Society (IEDMS).